Custom Sewn Pouches
SeamCraft has manufactured millions of custom sewn pouches for our customers. These items have ranged from pencil sized units for soil testing, to pocket sized blood pressure recorders, to lunchbox size auto jacks and gas analyzers.
They were generally produced using a strong medium weight nylon fabric, sturdy 3 ply laminates, as well as automotive carpet material. Closures were nylon zippers as well as flaps having snaps, buckles, ties, or hook and loop.
Web hand straps usually facilitated portability. Web belts or attached belt loops made them wearable. Often foam cushioning, inside lining, pockets, labels and printed customer logos were included.
Our custom sewn pouches include nylon, leather, and canvas materials to name a few. We offer over 30 different materials that we sew and use many different components.
Custom Sewn Pouch Applications:
Blood Pressure Recorders
Water Purifiers
Wearable Medicine Infusers
Cattle Inoculators
Cable Ties
Colonostomy Irrigators
Process Controllers
Auto Tools
Construction Vehicles
Nutrient Infusers
Light Meters
Railroad Electrical Testers
Gas Analyzers
Beer Tap Tools
Transportable Compressors
Tow Truck Controls
Shop Tools
Soil Penetrometers

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To find out what we can do for you, contact us or request a quote.